What makes your heart burn? – 2/22/2022

I was facing a dilemma. My hens were laying less and less with each passing day. I was concerned that the cold had stopped the girl’s laying ability altogether. The chickens were putting all their energy into staying warm versus creating and laying eggs. I was flummoxed on what to do next. I tried to increase their laying time by installing a light in the coop. But the hens stayed out in their chicken-run up on the rafters. Which was unfortunately outside of the newly installed lighted area. No joy with this idea.

However, by chance, I met a fellow chicken lover and enabler. What he shared with me was a little different. When his chickens became cold and slowed down their laying, he gave them hot pepper flakes mixed into their feed. He assured me it does not harm them. They do not feel the heat in their mouth as their tongue and sensory glands do not respond the same way as ours do. They only feel the heat in their body after they consume it.

HOT! Stuff!

So, I have tried it with the girls. Egg production has increased measurably, but not dramatically. We will see what the impact is.

I started thinking about what makes me burn in my stomach or brings me heat. I know Indian curry can do this with me to the point of sweating. I expect that is the reaction the chickens have as well.

A bible verse popped into my head as I was thinking about heat being generated within my body from an outside source.

Luke 24:32 – And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?”

How wonderful it must have been to have the risen Savior share scriptures with you. The Lord may have revealed the words they needed for their walk ahead in life. To embolden and comfort them all at the same time. I love hearing how their hearts burned as he spoke to them the word of God.

I recommend if you have needs and burdens, praying to the Father and His Son is always a wonderful way to go. But, to help strengthen your faith, read the words of God. The bible gives us the answers we need to deal with temptation, attacks from others, or our own fears.

Psalm 91 is a good chapter to go to ponder upon. It has sixteen verses that speak to how God is your refuge and your fortress in life.

Your Refuge and Fortress Awaits you

Everywhere you read the words, I, me, and you in Psalm 91 substitute it with your name as you read the verses. This will help remind you of the personal relationship you have with the Father.

The chickens may burn from the heat of peppers, but your heart will burn with the Father’s wisdom and love for you each time you read God’s word.

Be Blessed and do well for others. There is a great need in our world for those with hearts of mercy.

Peter D McPheters

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