Who is interceding for you?-12-10-21

Every night is the same at my house. As soon as it is dark, my two dogs start whining to go out. The chicken patrol is ready to go. I
grab my flashlight and coat, and start making my way across the yard to the chicken coop.

The girls are on their roost, and I do my evening headcount. Meanwhile, the dog’s Lady (my German Shepherd) and Dixie (my Australian Shephard / Border Collie mix) are looking for rats in the coop. Unfortunately, the rats are attracted to the chicken food in the feeders. Between the dogs and me, we have made short work of the rats.

After the rat hunt is over, the dogs shift into patrol mode. They have not forgotten their primary duty. They race together into the woods behind the coop and start running their security circle, barking as they go.


They are searching for possums, raccoons, foxes, and coyotes, all the usual suspects. If they cross one’s trail, they will stay in the woods barking and running about, hoping to find it.

The dogs are very attentive at night, even when in the house. If the chickens start crying out, the dogs commence barking and
demand to be let out to deal with whatever predator has come after the hens in the coop.

The dogs are the chicken’s intercessors against those that would devour them. Yet, the chickens just ignore the dogs and
show no sense of gratitude for what they do for them. I remind myself; they are just chickens. Kindness and appreciation are not a typical attribute given forth by a chicken.

I consider humanity not being much better most of the time. We have no excuse as our heavenly Father has placed within us all the emotions our hearts can handle. But, unfortunately, we as people are often focused only on our self-serving needs. Humanity struggles against the Father to this day.

Christmas is coming, and it is a reminder of what the Father has done for us to redeem us back to Him. He sent his Son Jesus to be born in earthly flesh in the little town of Bethlehem in what is Israel today. Jesus grew to be a man and preached His gospel of salvation for three years. He was then crucified and raised from the dead by His Father who had sent him. Even now, Jesus intercedes for us every day before the Father. This is so that we would be saved from eternal death. The word tell’s us:

Romans 8:31-35 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? (32) He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? (33) Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. (34) Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. (35) Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? 

I pray you recognize the gift of God’s Son from the Father to you. Consider how we have been redeemed through the sacrificial blood of Jesus. Let us sing a song of praise of thanksgiving to Jesus and the Father during these days of Christmas celebration. Let us recognize the gift of eternal life that has been freely given to us. The Father wants us to be with Him forever in heaven. 

I pray your family, and friends will be Blessed by the Father during this Christmas season. Share His love for you with others you meet along the way.

Be Blessed and do well for others.  

Merry Christmas to you all!!!

Peter D McPheters


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